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Just stop for a minute and smile

  • Messaggi
    My Pride
    Post: 5.324
    Utente Master
    ~¤ The Fastest Man Alive ✯ The Amazing Flying Grayson ¤~
    00 18/12/2021 16:16
    Prima la vita reale e poi il resto, mi accodo alla speranza che le storie, quando potrai leggerle, ti facciano sorridere un po' :)
    (io intanto continuo ad oltranza ormai aha)

    Titolo: Brotherly advice
    Autore: My Pride
    Fandom: Batman
    Tipologia: One-shot [ 2030 parole ]
    Personaggi: Damian Bruce Wayne, Timothy Jackson Drake, Jonathan Samuel Kent
    Rating: Giallo
    Genere: Generale, Slice of Life, Fluff
    Avvertimenti: What if?, Slash
    Solo i fiori sanno: 17. Gerbera gialla: gloria
    Just stop for a minute and smile: 16. "Smettila di andare avanti e indietro, mi fai venire il mal di mare!"
    «I swear you, sir, I will never put your son in harm's way.
    I'll be there to protect Jon»
    «Staying close to Damian --being a friend in good times and bad--
    is the answer,, not pushing him away.
    We only learn by making our own choices» ¤~

    I know the sound of your heartbeat
    My Pride
    Post: 5.324
    Utente Master
    ~¤ The Fastest Man Alive ✯ The Amazing Flying Grayson ¤~
    00 19/12/2021 18:54
    Titolo: First word melting hearts
    Autore: My Pride
    Fandom: Super Sons
    Tipologia: One-shot [ 1607 parole ]
    Personaggi: Damian Bruce Wayne, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Thomas Alfred Wayne-Kent (OC)
    Rating: Giallo
    Genere: Generale, Slice of life, Fluff
    Avvertimenti: What if?, Slash, Missing Moment
    Just stop for a minute and smile: 38. "Prima sbarazzati di quella cosa, grazie!"
    «I swear you, sir, I will never put your son in harm's way.
    I'll be there to protect Jon»
    «Staying close to Damian --being a friend in good times and bad--
    is the answer,, not pushing him away.
    We only learn by making our own choices» ¤~

    I know the sound of your heartbeat
    My Pride
    Post: 5.324
    Utente Master
    ~¤ The Fastest Man Alive ✯ The Amazing Flying Grayson ¤~
    00 21/12/2021 18:51
    Titolo: A good mother-in-law?
    Autore: My Pride
    Fandom: Super Sons
    Tipologia: One-shot [ 3200 parole ]
    Personaggi: Damian Bruce Wayne, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Talia Al Ghul
    Rating: Giallo
    Genere: Generale, Slice of life, Fluff
    Avvertimenti: What if?, Slash,
    Just stop for a minute and smile: 2. "Non riuscirai mai a battermi!"
    «I swear you, sir, I will never put your son in harm's way.
    I'll be there to protect Jon»
    «Staying close to Damian --being a friend in good times and bad--
    is the answer,, not pushing him away.
    We only learn by making our own choices» ¤~

    I know the sound of your heartbeat
    My Pride
    Post: 5.324
    Utente Master
    ~¤ The Fastest Man Alive ✯ The Amazing Flying Grayson ¤~
    00 23/12/2021 18:20
    Titolo: (Sweet dreams, beloved) نوماً هنيئاً, حبيبي
    Autore: My Pride
    Fandom: Super Sons
    Tipologia: One-shot [ 2290 parole ]
    Personaggi: Damian Bruce Wayne, Richard John Grayson, Jonathan Samuel Kent
    Rating: Giallo
    Genere: Generale, Slice of life, Fluff
    Avvertimenti: What if?, Hurt/Comfort, Slash
    Just stop for a minute and smile: 23. "Non ti stavo ascoltando... dicevi?"
    «I swear you, sir, I will never put your son in harm's way.
    I'll be there to protect Jon»
    «Staying close to Damian --being a friend in good times and bad--
    is the answer,, not pushing him away.
    We only learn by making our own choices» ¤~

    I know the sound of your heartbeat
    My Pride
    Post: 5.324
    Utente Master
    ~¤ The Fastest Man Alive ✯ The Amazing Flying Grayson ¤~
    00 28/12/2021 01:44
    Titolo: Don't wanna kill you
    Autore: My Pride
    Fandom: Super Sons
    Tipologia: One-shot [ 862 parole ]
    Personaggi: Damian Bruce Wayne, Jonathan Samuel Kent
    Rating: Giallo
    Genere: Generale
    Avvertimenti: What if?, Pre-Slash, Narratore inaffidabile
    Just stop for a minute and smile: 29. "Potresti abbassare il volume?"
    «I swear you, sir, I will never put your son in harm's way.
    I'll be there to protect Jon»
    «Staying close to Damian --being a friend in good times and bad--
    is the answer,, not pushing him away.
    We only learn by making our own choices» ¤~

    I know the sound of your heartbeat
    My Pride
    Post: 5.324
    Utente Master
    ~¤ The Fastest Man Alive ✯ The Amazing Flying Grayson ¤~
    00 03/01/2022 12:01
    Titolo: Kids grow up so fast
    Autore: My Pride
    Fandom: Super Sons
    Tipologia: One-shot [ 3808 parole ]
    Personaggi: Damian Bruce Wayne, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Thomas Alfred Wayne-Kent (OC)
    Rating: Giallo
    Genere: Generale, Slice of life, Fluff
    Avvertimenti: What if?, Slash, Hurt/Comfort
    Just stop for a minute and smile: 31. "Ho provato a chiamarlo, ma non mi ha risposto!"

    Buon anno!
    «I swear you, sir, I will never put your son in harm's way.
    I'll be there to protect Jon»
    «Staying close to Damian --being a friend in good times and bad--
    is the answer,, not pushing him away.
    We only learn by making our own choices» ¤~

    I know the sound of your heartbeat
    My Pride
    Post: 5.324
    Utente Master
    ~¤ The Fastest Man Alive ✯ The Amazing Flying Grayson ¤~
    00 05/01/2022 15:21
    Titolo: Smallville stars (nuovo link)
    Autore: My Pride
    Fandom: Super Sons
    Tipologia: One-shot [ 2394 parole ]
    Personaggi: Damian Bruce Wayne, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Clark Kent
    Rating: Giallo
    Genere: Generale, Slice of life, Commedia
    Avvertimenti: What if?, Accenni Slash
    Just stop for a minute and smile: 37. "Esprimi un desiderio! Ma non dirlo ad alta voce, altrimenti non si avvera!"
    [Modificato da My Pride 05/01/2022 15:24]
    «I swear you, sir, I will never put your son in harm's way.
    I'll be there to protect Jon»
    «Staying close to Damian --being a friend in good times and bad--
    is the answer,, not pushing him away.
    We only learn by making our own choices» ¤~

    I know the sound of your heartbeat
    My Pride
    Post: 5.324
    Utente Master
    ~¤ The Fastest Man Alive ✯ The Amazing Flying Grayson ¤~
    00 12/01/2022 01:09
    Titolo: A little drunked Robin
    Autore: My Pride
    Fandom: Super Sons
    Tipologia: One-shot [ 2580 parole ]
    Personaggi: Damian Bruce Wayne, Jonathan Samuel Kent
    Rating: Arancione
    Genere: Generale, Slice of life, Commedia
    Avvertimenti: What if?, Slash
    Just stop for a minute and smile: 4. "Sei un pessimo insegnante!"
    «I swear you, sir, I will never put your son in harm's way.
    I'll be there to protect Jon»
    «Staying close to Damian --being a friend in good times and bad--
    is the answer,, not pushing him away.
    We only learn by making our own choices» ¤~

    I know the sound of your heartbeat
    My Pride
    Post: 5.324
    Utente Master
    ~¤ The Fastest Man Alive ✯ The Amazing Flying Grayson ¤~
    00 22/02/2022 21:51
    Titolo: I wanna wish you a merry Christmas
    Autore: My Pride
    Fandom: Super Sons
    Tipologia: One-shot [ 3000 parole ]
    Personaggi: Damian Bruce Wayne, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Thomas Alfred Wayne-Kent (OC), Un po' tutti
    Rating: Giallo
    Genere: Generale, Slice of life, Fluff
    Avvertimenti: What if?, Slash
    Just stop for a minute and smile: 1. "Mi passi la ricetta?"
    «I swear you, sir, I will never put your son in harm's way.
    I'll be there to protect Jon»
    «Staying close to Damian --being a friend in good times and bad--
    is the answer,, not pushing him away.
    We only learn by making our own choices» ¤~

    I know the sound of your heartbeat
    My Pride
    Post: 5.324
    Utente Master
    ~¤ The Fastest Man Alive ✯ The Amazing Flying Grayson ¤~
    00 24/02/2022 15:20
    Titolo: Go over there with the Ferris wheel
    Autore: My Pride
    Fandom: Super Sons
    Tipologia: One-shot [ 3630 parole ]
    Personaggi: Damian Bruce Wayne, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Jason Peter Todd, Richard John Grayson
    Rating: Giallo
    Genere: Generale, Fluff, Slice of Life
    Avvertimenti: What if?, Slash, Omofobia
    Just stop for a minute and smile: 44. "Mi sa che ci siamo persi..."
    «I swear you, sir, I will never put your son in harm's way.
    I'll be there to protect Jon»
    «Staying close to Damian --being a friend in good times and bad--
    is the answer,, not pushing him away.
    We only learn by making our own choices» ¤~

    I know the sound of your heartbeat
    My Pride
    Post: 5.324
    Utente Master
    ~¤ The Fastest Man Alive ✯ The Amazing Flying Grayson ¤~
    00 04/03/2022 13:05
    Titolo: Promenade
    Autore: My Pride
    Fandom: Super Sons
    Tipologia: One-shot [ 1470 parole ]
    Personaggi: Damian Bruce Wayne, Jonathan Samuel Kent
    Rating: Verde
    Genere: Generale, Slice of Life, Fluff
    Avvertimenti: What if?, Slash
    Just stop for a minute and smile: 40. "È la quinta volta che me lo chiedi."
    «I swear you, sir, I will never put your son in harm's way.
    I'll be there to protect Jon»
    «Staying close to Damian --being a friend in good times and bad--
    is the answer,, not pushing him away.
    We only learn by making our own choices» ¤~

    I know the sound of your heartbeat
    Post: 473
    Utente Senior
    00 06/05/2022 19:41

    Soul, so che la challenge è ormai chiusa da secoli, ma visto che tu ci avevi lasciato liberi di sviluppare comunque i prompt, beh, eccomi a consegnare un nuovo capitolo sui miei Martin&Joe!
    Okay, Joe senza Martin in questo caso, ma non stiamo qui a spoilerare troppo ^^"
    Ho usato il prompt 34 e questo è ciò che ne è venuto fuori:
    Insomma, una bella iniezione di disagio XDD
    Passerò presto a consegnare anche un altro capitolo che ho già pronto, ancora grazie per l'ispirazione, nonostante sia passato tampo tempo ♥
    Post: 473
    Utente Senior
    00 19/05/2022 11:12
    Capitolo 18

    Soul, l'altro giorno ho di nuovo aggiornato il Tavolo, ma mi sono dimenticata di passare a consegnare AHAHAHAH
    Ecco a te, con il prompt 40:
    Misteri irrisolti
    So che la challenge non è attiva, però mi sembrava giusto informarti :D